What Interests You About This Position? (How to Answer with Examples)


By Reid - June 29, 2023

interview bias

What Interests You About This Position

What interests you about this position?, What do you find interesting about this type of work?, What about this position were you drawn to?, What about the role excites you and motivates you to apply?”

These questions will almost always be asked during an interview, with your response potentially making or breaking a job offer. Here’s how you can answer!

Questions Answered:

  • What the interviewer is looking for in your answer

  • How to answer “What interests you about this position?”

  • Sample answers to the interview question

  • Comments/answers to avoid

Why are they asking about my interest in the job?

When the interviewer (recruiter or hiring manager) asks, “What interests you about this job” they are generally trying to open up the interview and learn more about you as a person (maybe even trying to throw you off track).  

tell me why you want to work here meme

Did you apply because it’s something you’re passionate about, or was it just another job you threw your resume hat into? 

They are looking for specifics around your career goals, personality, and overall skill set to match what the company is looking for. 

It’s essential to display your best self to show them that you ARE the ideal fit who can take on any project thrown your way.

Your answer (and even how you answer) can tell them a lot about you as an applicant, so you should prepare a well-thought-out response ahead of time.


How to Answer “What Interests You Most About This Position” Interview Question

The overall goal should be to secure as much confidence in you being the perfect fit for the job so that they pick you over the other applicants. Here’s how to do that: 

1. Be Enthusiastic and Highlight Your Interests (Why it appeals to you)

Try to be enthusiastic in your response. This is your chance to talk about what you find appealing about the position positively and eagerly.

Do you want to be part of a great team, make a difference in someone's life, or help develop a new branch of the business? Now is your time to show them why you’re interested in the job! 

2. Use the Job Description to Highlight Skills (Why you are a good fit)

Employers typically flood the job description with everything they are looking for in the perfect candidate, so it's a great idea to bring up the “must-have” skills they highlighted. 

You can also see if there is additional information about the position you're applying for on the company website. 

By mentioning critical skills from the job description, you will show hiring managers that you completely understand the role and are more than willing to tackle all aspects of the position. 

They are trying to determine your unique skills and what you can bring to the company. Talk about how your skills can truly help the company achieve success by making a list of your skills and qualifications. 

3. Bring Up the Company (Why you want to work for them)

Find out all you can about the company before your interview (even its mission statement). 

One recurring interview mistake is not mentioning anything about the particular company they applied to work for. The trick is determining how your values align with the company's values.

By now, they should know you’re qualified, but let them know why you’re eager to utilize the unique skillset at that specific business. Do your best to clarify how hiring you will benefit the company overall.

4. Finish your answer with a question

Asking the interviewer a question after answering the question, ‘What interests you about this position? helps move the conversation along.

If your answer wasn’t great, it’s a quick way of moving on. Regardless, the interviewer will appreciate your attempt at making a conversation out of things.


what interests you about this position example answers

Here are a few generic answers you can make into your own. Customize them to fit your experience and the job you're applying for.

Example #1

“I’m interested in this job as a programmer because I get to utilize my talents as well as be involved in a space which I have a high degree of passion for."

"After doing some research around the (company), I’ve noticed our overall values also closely align."

"As a Tech Lead for the last three years, I've developed strategies for writing quick and accurate code, and I look forward to bringing these strategies to your company.”

Example #2

“After reading the job listing, I was drawn to the position because of the similarities between what you are looking for and my overall passion and experience. Specifically, the analytical thinking and Microsoft Excel requirements were part of my everyday functions as a Data Analyst."

"I’ve heard nothing but great things about working for (company) and would love to put my skills to good use to help this company grow.”

Example #3

“I’m very interested in the Warehouse Manager job. From the description, you’re seeking an individual with outstanding management skills."

"I have eight years of experience building and leading teams towards hitting high-level goals. I'm interested in this position because it would allow me to use my previous experience while developing my expertise in a new role.”

Example #4

"One of the main factors that attracted me to the PR Specialist role was the company. I have always been a big fan of (company) and the values they hold."

"Based on the job description and our initial discussion, I believe my experience fits well with what you want to accomplish in this role. It's a great opportunity to help you grow this business and continue developing my career and skill set_."_

Comments to Avoid during the Job Interview

Avoid answers emphasizing or focusing only on the perks (health insurance, vacation days, happy hour, etc.). These details will come later in the interview but refrain from asking the hiring manager about them during your answer.

Avoid strictly talking about the salary or overall pay. While it’s essential, employers want to know you won’t jump ship if a new higher-paying offer comes up in the future.

Avoid basic/generic answers; instead, be as specific to the role and company as possible. Hiring managers look for these details - you mentioning something particular to the company shows you have done your research.

Wrapping Up | What Interests You About This Position

Understanding the “What interests you about this position” interview question is the first step in learning how to tackle it. Our three key pieces to accurately answer this consist of the following:

  • Showing the employer why it appeals to you 

  • Showing the employer why you are a good fit

  • Showing the employer why you want to work for them 

When going into any interview, it’s best to grasp what’s to follow. Now that you know what the hiring manager is looking for, you can come up with a quality answer to sweep them off their feet. 

Do you need some extra interview coaching help before the big day? Check out this article on the Best Job Interview Coaching Services.

Good luck out there!

Title: How to Answer "What Interests You About This Position?" in a Job Interview

Category: theInterview

Author: Reid is a contributor to theJub. He's an employment and marketing enthusiast who studied business before taking on various recruiting, management, and marketing roles. More from the author. | Author Profile

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