How to Find a Job Fast in 2023 (7 Proven Techniques)
By Reid - November 24, 2023

Finding a New Job
Finding a new job can be difficult at times - no doubt about it! The good news is you are not alone. If you’re looking to get hired fast but constantly hitting dead ends, it might be time for a change in how you search.
I have personally been in this situation before but was able to utilize a few of these tactics to help me find a career I continue to enjoy. Here are some quick and easy job search tips anyone can follow to help land your next job opportunity.
7 Simple Tactics Anyone Can Use To Find a Job Fast
1. Use Keywords To Stick Out
Sticking out and getting attention are two things millennials are great at! With so much automation handling different parts of the job-seeking process, there is only so much you can do to make your application stand out from all the others. Utilizing keywords within your resume is one of them!
When applying online, your resume will likely be screened by an applicant tracking system (ATS) and then moved to a recruiter/manager (assuming you pass the ATS). The recruiter/manager will then review your resume and perform a keyword search about the skills required for the role.
Long story short, companies have a specific group of terms (keywords) that they have chosen to represent their needs for the position. If you do not include them in your resume or application paperwork, they might delete it all and move on to the next one.
Action Steps:
Study the job description and locate keywords under the “Must Have” or “Required” sections. Then mirror the words in the job description to your resume/cv (without lying). This highlights your strengths in areas most important to the employer.
However, make sure you do it naturally. If it seems you are directly copying their words and information, HR managers or whoever else looks at your paperwork may get suspicious. There is a fine line between giving potential employers what they want and trying to trick them.
2. Not Just Online Applications
Many job seekers rely solely on submitting online applications instead of exploring additional options. While applying through online job sites has become the norm across all industries, it does not mean it’s the only way. There are other steps to take to put yourself ahead of the competition.
Action Steps:
Reach out to employees at the company of interest and connect with would-be peers. Be careful to communicate with them appropriately through company social media pages, industry forums, and other online platforms. Probably shy away from waiting around outside the building to ask them out for coffee randomly 😬
Approach a recruiter for help or jump on the radar of individuals making hiring decisions. Recommendations and personal referrals are also Gold when applying for a job. Get creative, and think outside the box!
3. Make Changes and Update Info When Needed
Your resume, LinkedIn profile, and cover letter might all look great, but if they don’t position you as a direct match for the role you’re targeting, they’re useless. Don’t be afraid to modify wording or change the overall look to match what the employer seeks.
It's always a good idea to prevent stagnation anyway. If you can align your online and hard-copy information with the specific position you're looking for, do it.
Action Steps:
Update every document and social profile as your career progresses. If you have picked up a new skill or accomplished something noteworthy, make the update!
Recent changes will make you look more appealing because an employer can see you pay attention to detail and perform the necessary work to get the job done.
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4. Be Professional But Not Dull
Look professional by remaining polished, articulated, and organized throughout your job search. This doesn’t mean you have to be dull, though.
Think of it as a clever mix between former generations of corporate office culture with today's inclusive, flexible, and innovative work world.
Action Steps:
Give yourself permission to be polished and memorable (which young professionals are great at). Remain professional but stick out from the crowd by doing something different - don’t go overboard.
Owning likable and unforgettable characteristics will lead to amazing results. Still, if you have any outlandish behaviors, ideals, or even fashion habits, you do not have to let them all out the moment you meet a possible employer. It's usually better to err on the professional side rather than extremely unique.
5. Add a unique LinkedIn URL
LinkedIn remains THE social media platform for professional people, job seekers, and businesses of all types. Ensure your page is up-to-date, interesting, and customized with a short and memorable URL. Using your first and last name within the URL looks professional and helps you stand out.
Action Steps:
To customize your URL, Click View profile, Click Edit public profile, Under Edit URL in the right rail, Click the Edit icon next to your public profile URL, Type the last part of your new custom URL in the text box, and Click Save.
6. Send A Thank You
As a past technical recruiter for one of the largest recruiting firms in the world, I placed countless candidates whose skills didn’t compare to others competing for the same role.
How did the less experienced candidates win the job? They established relationships and showed appreciation by sending thank you letters to everyone involved in the job search and interview process.
Action Steps:
Consider crafting original, genuine thank-you notes for everyone involved. While other candidates remain silent, take the extra step. This simple yet thoughtful action solidifies your interest in the role and can often be the difference maker. It also helps contacts remember you for all the right reasons.
7. Update Your LinkedIn Status
If you’re not currently on LinkedIn, stop what you are doing and sign up. LinkedIn is essential to a job search and can yield great results. It is one of the top networking tools on the internet today.
Within LinkedIn, you can tell companies that you’re open to new jobs by utilizing the Open Candidates feature. You can sit back as this passive job search tool prompts interested companies and recruiters to contact you.
Action Steps:
To activate Open Candidates: Log into LinkedIn, Select the “Jobs” icon at the top of the page, Click Preferences, then simply turn share “On” and fill in some brief information about the types of roles you are interested in.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
When is the Best Time to Find a Job?
While the new year typically starts fairly slow for most companies, mid-January into February is the best time to find a job. Companies receive their budgets and plans for the year, opening up job seekers' opportunities.
Spring is also a great time to find a job, whereas summer, fall, and winter tend to slow down on the hiring front. There are plenty of positions open and companies hiring all year, though, so the best time to find a job is when you are ready to move!
How Long Does it Take to Find a New Job?
The average job search process takes around six weeks (43 days) to complete, according to Glassdoor and NACE report the average time from interview to job notification being roughly 23 days (not including the job search).
Many factors come into play, like industry or if you have an extensive network to tap into, but we suggest setting 4-8 weeks aside to search for a job and accept an offer properly.
Should You Utilize Social Networks In Your Job Search?
Yes, social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are great for accessing job listings outside of the typical job boards. Most recruiters use LinkedIn today to find qualified candidates - another reason to join.
Do I Need Any References?
If you get past the initial resume and application review, your possible future employer will want to check references from past employers and others who know you well.
Always provide and have ready a selection of at least three quality references. Do not make these up or use your best friend from college. Only use people who will give you a positive professional recommendation.
Wrapping Up | How to Get a job fast
There you have it! These job search tips are worth utilizing and adding to your job search plan if you want to get hired sooner rather than later. To recap our favorite job search strategies:
Utilize Keywords
Online Applications Aren't The Only Way
Update Info When Needed
Be Professional but Not Dull
Unique LinkedIn URL
Send Thank You Note
Update LinkedIn Status
Keep References Ready
On a final note, things often turn out well when you are prepared. What does your voicemail say? Are you using an inappropriate email address? Is your resume up to date? Just a few questions need to be answered before you start job searching.
If you put the time, effort, and focus into this job search, great things will follow. Let us know if you have any additional questions about your job search - we are happy to help. Best of luck!
Found the perfect job? Great, now we can build your resume and prep for an interview! Related Articles: High Paying Jobs without a Degree | Cover Letter Layout | Curriculum Vitae vs Resume
Title: 7 Quick and Simple Job Search Tips for Millennials (Get Hired Fast)
Category: theStart
Tags: Job Search Tips, How to Find a Job, job search, Job hunting tips, How to find a job, Tips for getting a job, How to find a job fast, how to find a job that fits you, best time to find a job, find me a new job.
Author: Reid is a contributor to theJub. He's an employment and marketing enthusiast who studied business before taking on various recruiting, management, and marketing roles. More from the author. | Author Profile
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