Writing a Networking Follow Up Email in 2023 (with Templates and Examples)

networking email

Networking Follow-Up Email

The networking event wraps up, and you head back home….what’s next? Writing a follow-up email or letter to the people you met at the networking event might be a good place to start. 

This will help solidify your new relationship and allow you to ask additional follow-up questions if needed. Here’s how to write a networking follow-up email to capture their attention.

Questions Answered

  • What is professional networking?
  • Why is networking important?
  • How to write a follow-up email after a networking event
  • Sample follow-up email after networking

What is professional networking?

Professional networking is the building and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships for career or business-related reasons. Your network helps expand your professional circle, gain valuable insights and knowledge, and develop new opportunities for career growth and advancement.

Why is networking important?

Networking is important for working professionals because it can provide new career opportunities, help develop and improve skills needed for the work world, and grow your status within an industry (amongst other benefits). 

networking email quote

How to Write a Networking Follow Up Email After Event

Remember, you’re not trying to play hard to get, so look to follow up as soon as possible (at least within the first 24 hours). Follow the steps below when writing your email:

  1. Email Subject Line: Write a networking follow-up email subject line that grabs the reader’s attention.
  2. Conversation Reminder: Start by mentioning the conversation or topic you previously discussed, along with the location of the conference, meeting, or event. 
  3. Give Before Your Receive: Practice reciprocity by offering them some help before asking for any favors yourself. Try to make it a mutually beneficial relationship. 
  4. Meet Again: While not always necessary, mentioning a follow-up meeting or chat via Skype/Zoom to keep in touch can be beneficial (just don’t be pushy).
  5. Thank Them: Thank your recipient for their time and help.
  6. Edit/Review: Edit and review your follow-up email multiple times. Look for any grammatical mistakes until the email is error-free.
  7. Send: Once the email is edited and reviewed one last time, send it out (as soon as possible).
  8. Connect via LinkedIn: After your follow-up email is sent, feel free to connect on LinkedIn to help build your relationship.


Networking Subject Line Examples

Your subject line needs to grab the reader’s attention because it’s the first thing a recipient sees when they check their inbox. Here are a few examples to use:

  • Great meeting you, (Contacts Name)
  • Loved our chat. Just following up from (Event and Location)
  • Hey (Contacts Name), this is (Your Name)
  • Looking to reconnect from (Event and Location)

Networking Email Templates and Samples

Networking Email Template

Hi (Contacts Name),

It was great meeting you at (Location) on (Date). I enjoyed our time chatting together about (Subject) and (Specific Takeaway). If you have any time on (Date), I’d love to buy you a cup of coffee and discuss (Subject) further.

As you also mentioned, I saw the open position for (Job Title) within your company which I read over and was excited to apply for. If you have any further suggestions for people that I should contact regarding the position or tips to help me land the job, I would love to hear them.

Glad we had the opportunity to chat, and I hope to hear from you soon! 

Have a Great Day!

Networking Email Sample

Hi Jane Doe,

It was great meeting you at the university luncheon last Friday. I enjoyed our time chatting about local agriculture issues and believe organic farming could be successful in the area.

If you have any time next week, I’d love to buy you a cup of coffee and discuss your thoughts on the matter further.

As you also mentioned, I saw the open position for Branch Manager within your company which I read over and was excited to apply for. If you have any further suggestions for people that I should contact regarding the position or tips to help me land the job, I would love to hear them.

Glad we had the opportunity to chat, and I hope to hear from you soon! 

Have a Great Day!
Jimmy Doe

Wrapping Up | Follow up email after networking

While some people might jump at the opportunity to network, many of us still shy away from it. At one point in my life, I would have done anything to avoid networking, but that has since changed.  

During the few times we introverts go out to an event or network at a local pub, they look to make the most out of it by strengthening that new connection through a prompt follow-up. To recap our email writing steps:

  • Look to write a great subject line
  • Remind them of who you are, where you met, and what you discussed
  • Look to help them before asking for any favors
  • Edit and review before sending 

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about networking or your job search. Good luck with your next networking event!

Here’s a list of networking follow-up templates from Hubspot for every scenario. https://blog.hubspot.com/sales/follow-up-email-after-meeting-networking

Title: How to Send a Networking Follow Up Email (with Samples)

Category: Job Search

Tags: Networking follow up email, Networking follow up email subject line, Sample follow up email after networking, why is networking important, how to write a follow up email after networking event

Author: Reid is a contributor to theJub. He’s an employment and marketing enthusiast who studied business before taking on various recruiting, management, and marketing roles. More from the author. | Author Profile

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