6 Steps to Write a Second Interview Thank You Email (with Examples)


By Reid - July 4, 2023

interview bias

Second interview thank you Email

Are you looking to write an eye-catching thank you email after your second interview wraps up? The follow-up can often be the difference between landing or losing out on a job. Here’s how to write the perfect thank you email to win over the hiring manager!

Questions Answered

  • Should I send a thank you email after my second interview?

  • What does a post-interview thank you email show?

  • How to write a second interview thank you note?

  • Subject to thank you email

  • When to send a thank you email after the interview?

  • Should you email or mail a thank you letter?

  • How long until you hear back after the second interview?

Your second interview wraps up. Now What?!

Should you sit around and wait for them to get back to you or take the initiative and send a post-job interview thank you email?

Since you know the overall nature of this article, I assume you picked the latter. You made a very wise choice!

Sending a thank you email after a job interview is not only considered best practice but is almost a necessity in today’s work world.

The days of simply handing in a resume/job application before getting a call back are mostly gone.

Young professionals coming out of college and looking for their first job must differentiate themselves from more experienced candidates.

Learning how to write a thank you email for an interview can do exactly that. A last-minute push for the job gives you a slight advantage over the competition and solidifies your interest in the role.

The extra step of creating a thank you email helps potential employers remember your name for the right reasons.

Should I Send a Thank You email after the interview?

Yes, you should send a thank you letter post-interview!

Write a simple thank you letter after your interview to help separate you from all the others applying for the same position. Most job listings receive numerous applicants who all want to receive an offer.

They may have different levels of education and experience than you do. One thing you can do to improve your chances is to promptly send an email after the interview process is complete to demonstrate your willingness to go the extra mile.

What does this show?

With a simple thank you message, you’re letting the potential employer know you will do whatever it takes to succeed. That you are polite, professional, and have a high degree of appreciation for the interviewer. Also, following up shows how interested you are in the position.


6 Steps to Writing the perfect second interview thank you email

1. Express Your Thanks

Show your appreciation for the time they spent with you. Hiring managers are extremely busy, so taking time out of their day is never easy!

Also, express gratitude for their consideration of your application for the position you are applying for. These simple little gestures can go a long way!

2. Respond to Unanswered Interview Questions

Although you should aim to answer all questions at the interview itself, you can reiterate important information and add additional responses here. Keep it short, however.

3. Repeat Your Interest in the Position

Let them know how ready and excited you are for the opportunity. They will feel more confident in a decision knowing you are interested and committed to the role. Don’t sound desperate, though!

4. Ask Additional Questions

Asking questions about important topics helps hiring managers/recruiters keep your name front of mind. At the very least, ask when you can expect to hear back on their decision.

5. Edit and Proofread Carefully

Thank you emails must be 100% free from any errors. Sending a follow-up email with mistakes in it would completely backfire and likely boot you from contention.

Use a tool like Grammarly to check your copy quickly. Above all else, maintain professional quality in the email.

6. Keep it Short and Simple

The point of a follow-up message is to thank them, remind them of information about you, and ask a question or two. There’s no need to drag on information already covered or understood.


Second Interview Email Samples

Email Sample #1

Subject Line: Jen Smith – Interview Thank You

Dear Mr. / Ms. Last Name,

It was a pleasure meeting you on (date) and discussing the (job) position at (company). I appreciate the time you took to interview me for the position.

Thank you for the opportunity to meet everyone on the team (or whoever you specifically met) and for allowing me to ask them questions about the (job) position. The more I spoke with you and the team, the more I was convinced that my experience and passion for (type of work) make me a strong candidate for this position.

My schedule is flexible, and knowing your urgency to fill the position, I would like to discuss the next steps at your earliest convenience. Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks again for your time and consideration.

Thank you,
Jen Smith

Email Sample #2

Subject Line: John Doe – Thanks for Chatting about (Position)

Dear Mr. / Ms. Last Name,

It was great meeting you for the second interview today! Ever since my first discussion with (name), I have been enthusiastic about the chance to work as the (job) with (company).

I am confident that the experiences and skills I built up in (industry or old job) have helped make me a great fit for this exciting position.

If you have any follow-up questions or need clarification on my resume, please feel free to reach out - I am happy to answer!

_I appreciate the time you took to interview me today, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks again for your time and consideration,
John Doe

Email Sample #3

Subject Line: _R_ob Lowe – Interview Thank You

Dear Mr. / Ms. Last Name,

_Thanks again for taking time out of your schedule to meet and discuss the (job) with (company).

My enthusiasm for this position grew after learning about (company) and meeting the team._ I believe my _overall experiences and skills built up through the years in (industry or old job) would make me a great fit for what you're looking to accomplish with this role.

If you have any additional questions for me, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thanks again for your time and consideration - I look forward to hearing from you after a decision is made.

Thank you,
Ted Lasso_

recruiter using linkedin chart

Source - Jobvite

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are some good interview email subject lines?

Keep it straightforward. If it’s a larger company, it might be best to be more specific since the hiring manager is likely hiring for other roles as well.

  • (My Name) - Interview Follow Up

  • (My Name) - Interview Thank You

  • (My Name) - (Specific Job) Interview Follow Up

Example: Joe Dirt - Software Developer Interview Follow Up

When to Send a Thank You Email After an Interview?

Send a thank-you email within the first 24 hours of your interview. This will ensure you are still front of mind with everyone you meet and demonstrates your overall interest in the role.

Should You Email or Mail a Thank You Letter?

Many applicants wonder if sending a thank you card or email after an interview is better. The truth is, both interview thank-you emails and written letters work great, so don’t stress over which is better.

The most important aspect of the email/letter is the content within - keep it short, professional, and tailor it towards your specific interview conversation.

How long until you hear back after the second interview?

The hiring manager will often provide a specific date by which they will contact you. If that date has passed, feel free to send a follow-up email to get an update.

If they failed to mention a specific date or timeline, give it a few days before reaching out. Here’s a timeline from the interview to the job offer (infographic).

Do Employers Like Thank You Emails After an Interview?

Yes, employers generally appreciate receiving thank-you emails after an interview. This form of a "thank you" is your way to show gratitude for the opportunity, which most all employers like to see.

Wrapping Up | Thank you email after the second interview

You worked hard to find this great job, prepared diligently for the second interview, and crushed it. Unfortunately, that might not be enough in today's competitive business climate.

Make the extra effort by sending an interview thank you email. This lets potential employers know how serious you are about wanting the job and demonstrates the extra effort you will put forth in the role. To recap, when you write a follow-up email after a job interview:

  • Say Thank You

  • Ask Specific Questions

  • Express Interest in the Role

  • Keep it Short

  • Proofread Before Sending (using Grammarly)

I can tell you from experience that it worked for me. It’s part of the reason I have my job today. We hope this helps you WIN your next job. Good luck with the search!

Title: Thank You Note After Interview (With An Email Sample)

Category: theFinish

Tags: second Interview thank you email, job interview follow up email, follow up email after interview, interview thank you letter, follow up thank you letter after interview

Author: Reid is a contributor for theJub. He's an employment and marketing enthusiast who studied business before taking on various recruiting, management, and marketing roles. More from the author. | Author Profile

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