When Should You Arrive For Your Interview?


By Reid - August 24, 2021

interview bias

Showing up prepared and making a great first impression during the interview is an integral part of the hiring process. But when should you arrive for your interview?

If you are anything like me, you show up way too early and patiently sit in your car, running through your resume to pass the time.

I’m sure this thought has run through your mind before even stepping foot in an office - but question no more because we have the answer!

When Should You Arrive For Your Interview?

Arriving 15 to 20 minutes before your scheduled job interview time slot is ideal. Any earlier won’t earn you extra credit with the hiring manager, and any later starts flirting with potentially being late.

This gives you a few minutes to check in at the front desk, use the bathroom to freshen up, and get your bearings before heading into the interview (or, in my case, review my resume in the car).

What are the Benefits of arriving early to the interview?

There are several benefits to showing up early to an interview but the primary three are; it shows the hiring manager you are prepared and excited, it gives you enough time to figure out any problems that arise (getting lost, having to check in, etc.), and it helps eliminate any extra stress.

How Early Should I Show up for Video (Zoom) Interviews?

For video interviews such as those on Zoom, Google Hangouts, or Skype, look to be at least 5 minutes early. This gives you time to ensure there aren’t any technical difficulties that need to be resolved before the interview begins.

Is it rude to arrive early for an interview?

No, it is not rude to arrive early for an interview. Most employers prefer this over someone coming after the interview was scheduled to start.

As we mentioned earlier, be careful not to arrive too early, though. Sitting around for an hour or more might make the hiring manager uncomfortable.

Is 10 minutes too early for an interview?

No, 10 minutes is not too early to arrive for an interview. If you aren't sure about the location or size of the office building, this will still give you enough time to navigate your way to the correct place if there are any hiccups along the way.

Is 15 to 20 minutes too early for an interview?

No, 15 to 20 minutes early is the suggested time we push on all our applicants. This gives you enough time to get comfortable in the new setting and prepare for the job interview.

Is 30 minutes too early for an interview?

Yes, arriving 30 minutes before your interview starts is generally too early. This can often be inconvenient for the interviewer and the receptionist, making you appear overly eager or nervous.

If you arrive more than 30 minutes early for an interview, it may be a good idea to find a nearby coffee shop or wait in your vehicle until it is closer to the interview time.

"Only 2–3% of candidates who apply are invited to interview. An average job posting gets about 250 resumes. Still, most employers will shortlist fewer than 10 candidates. Furthermore, resume statistics show that 75% of resumes don't get past the initial screen."


Wrapping Up | How early should you arrive for an interview

Arriving late for an interview (or too early, for that matter) sends a bad message to the hiring manager and shows a lack of commitment and time management, regardless of the reasoning.

It is generally a good idea to arrive at least 10-15 minutes early for an interview. This will allow you time to park, find the interview location, and get settled before the interview begins.

Arriving too early can also be an issue, as it may be inconvenient for the interviewer and the receptionist to accommodate you. It is generally a good idea to arrive no more than 20 minutes early for an interview.

If you arrive early, you can use the extra time to review your resume and notes or spend a few moments calming your nerves. It's also a good idea to have a backup plan in case you arrive early, such as finding a nearby coffee shop to sit in until it is closer to the interview time.

It's important to arrive on time, as arriving late to an interview can make a negative impression and may even disqualify you from consideration for the job. If you are running late, it is a good idea to call the interviewer and let them know as soon as possible.

We hope this helps, and good luck with the job interview!

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Title: How Early Should You Arrive for a Job Interview?

Category: theInterview

Tags: what time to show up for interview, interview arrival time, how early should you arrive for a job interview, job interview timing, is there an ideal time to show up for a job interview

Author: Reid is a contributor to theJub. He's an employment and marketing enthusiast who studied business before taking on various recruiting, management, and marketing roles. More from the author. | Author Profile

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