How to Answe


By Reid - September 2, 2022

interview bias

Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years

We’ve all sat through an interview and answered questions that didn’t make sense. I'll admit I've even asked a question or two while hiring that came out of left field.

Although several "unique" questions might leave us a bit clueless, one question has a defined purpose: “Where do you see yourself in five years?” What’s the point of this question, and how can you prepare for it? We have some answers.

Questions Answered:

  • How to Answer the Interview Question

  • Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years Sample Answers

  • Variations of the Interview Question

Every question in an interview serves some purpose for the interviewer. When the interviewer asks what your five-year plan is, they’ve got two goals behind that question:

  • Will you stay in the position long-term?

  • Do your long-term goals line up with the company?

In other words, the interviewer is asking if this position will be something you enjoy doing long-term. Hiring and training employees are expensive, so the fewer times a company has to do that, the better.

Also, most hiring managers aren’t looking to have a revolving door of people they interview.

Going through resumes, reaching out to candidates, and following up on interviews and evaluations is a lot of work compared to maintaining a consistent workforce. Many hiring managers would prefer to place their attention on other tasks.

How to Answer where do you see yourself in 5 years

When answering the interview question "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" it is essential to strike a balance between being realistic and ambitious.

You should be able to articulate your career goals and how this particular job fits into your long-term plans while also being open to the possibility of growth and change within the company. Here are some tips for answering this question:

1. Focus on your long-term career goals

Think about where you want to be in your career in 5 years and how this job can help you to get there. For example, you might say that you hope to be in a leadership position or to have advanced to a higher level within the company.

2. Show enthusiasm for the company

Let the interviewer know you are interested in building a long-term career with the company. You might say that you hope to grow with the company and contribute to its success.

It’s also good practice to review a company’s mission statement or goals on its website before applying. Doing this research and bringing the information to your interviewer can go a long way.

3. Be open to change and growth

While having a sense of direction is essential, it's also important to be open to new opportunities and challenges. You might say that you are flexible and willing to adapt to new roles or responsibilities as they come up.

4. Avoid making unrealistic or vague statements

It's essential to be realistic and specific in your answer. Avoid making statements that are too vague or unrealistic, as this could raise concerns about your judgment or commitment.

Overall, the key is to show that you are committed to your career and the company and are willing to work hard to achieve your long-term goals.

where do you see yourself in 5 years meme

Where do you see yourself in 5 years Example answers

Your answer to this question should be brief and vague. You don’t want to enter the interview and come across as a know-it-all. If you want some ideas of how best to answer these questions, here are a few examples you can base your response:

Example Answer #1

“I’m applying for this marketing position to expand my creativity. My background is in finance, which would help me keep budgets and metrics organized well during different projects. Since I still have much to learn, I can see myself contributing to the business's overall success and learning the different aspects of the industry as I grow with the company.”

Answer Explained: The above example would be great for someone changing careers. By explaining how your previous experience can help in the new job, you prove you’ve put thought into this change. This example also frames your future growth around the company’s goals, showing dedication to the company.

Example Answer #2

“I saw on the website that this company has a training and mentorship program specifically for the sales department. I’d love to join those programs and develop my sales skills. I’ve also seen that your company makes frequent B2B sales, a market I’ve wanted to learn about for a while. I hope that in five years, I will have finished both programs and contributed to some of your new or ongoing B2B market pushes.”

Answer Explained: This example answer is rife with examples of you reviewing the company beforehand. You wouldn’t know about the mentorship or training programs without looking into them beforehand. Also, we see a continuation of framing the answer around the company, not yourself. Be sure to state what interests you, but pairing that with the company’s mission is great.


Variations of this interview Question

Asking about your five-year goal isn’t always so directly worded. To keep interviewees on their toes, some employers will phrase the question differently to catch people flat-footed. Here are some other variations on this question you might see:

  • Where do you want to be in five years?

  • Where do you see yourself in ten years?

  • What are your long/short-term career goals?

  • What is your ideal job at the height of your career?

  • How do you personally define success?

  • What steps are you taking to reach your ideal vision of your future?

There are plenty of other variations, too. As long as you’re listening for it, you should be able to tell when your potential employer is asking about your future.

Wrapping Up | Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years

Remember that the interviewer doesn’t expect you to know exactly what you’ll be doing in five years - heck, they probably don’t know either. Instead, they want to understand how you plan to approach the job and your future with the company.

If they think you’re likely to stick around and grow alongside the company, that will do a lot to put the interviewer at ease.

Find ways to communicate your abilities and your ongoing development during the interview; this question will never bother you again.

Let us know if you have any questions about your job search or upcoming interview. Best of luck - you will do great!

Title: How to Answer the Question “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 or 10 Years?”

Category: Interview

Tags: where do you see yourself in 5 years sample answer, where do you see yourself in 5 years best answer, how to answer the job interview question “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 or 10 Years?

Author: Reid is a contributor to theJub. He's an employment and marketing enthusiast who studied business before taking on various recruiting, management, and marketing roles. More from the author. | Author Profile

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