How to Quit a Job You Just Started in 2023 (The Right Way)


By Reid - November 11, 2022

interview bias

Quitting a job you just started

Did you recently start a new job that wasn’t quite what you hoped it would be?

Is it because you're not passionate about it? The work environment doesn't suit you? Or you can't build a solid professional relationship with your co-workers?

Regardless of the reasoning, if you think quitting will set you free and lead to a better life, perhaps it is time to move on. Before making that decision, you should know that quitting your job is not typically a clean, straightforward task. 

Read on to learn the most effective ways to quit a job you just started, preventing the likelihood of suffering significant drawbacks in future career opportunities. 

Questions Answered:

  • How to quit a job you just started

  • Is it okay to leave a new job?

  • What to expect after quitting

7 Steps for Quitting a New Job

1. Weigh the Benefits And Pitfalls of Quitting

Before quitting, weigh the pros and cons of your choice because looking for and finding a new job might not be a simple task.

You’ll repeat the arduous process of looking for job openings, building a resume, sending it to the employer(s), following up with them, and attending often heart-wrenching job interviews. Are you ready to start again? Take some time to think about it.

Giving yourself time to think about quitting helps you see all angles of the issue. You might not like your job right now, but you might learn to love it in the long run.

Therefore, never quit without having a solid understanding of why. Of course, you may not even know what to consider, so here are some good questions to start with.

  • Is my reason for quitting significant, or is it trivial?

  • Will I find good career opportunities after quitting?

  • Am I quitting because I'm not fit for the job?

  • Can I find a better work environment than what my current employer provides?

If the above questions prove insufficient, then make a checklist. Don't think too much, but objectively list the good things and bad things that you can say about your job right now. It might be time to move on if the negatives surpass the positives.

2. Talk With Family

Understand that quitting a job you just started will affect you and the people close to you. This is especially true if you're married.

Before quitting, ask for a second opinion from those dear to you. They can help you make a clearer, regret-free decision.

Perhaps you don't have a family nearby because you work far from home. In this case, you could talk with others who have left their jobs.

There are lots of places where you can find these people. Some areas for you to start searching for answers are Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Quora, and Stack Exchange.

How do you initiate a discussion with people who have quit their jobs before?

Start the discussion with a short and relevant question that's easy to answer. You could begin by asking why they did it and what happened afterward. Know that answers will vary.

While some will tell you it's okay, others will tell you not to do it. To avoid confusion, jot down the facts and steer clear of opinions.

“More than one-half of all American workers are disengaged at work, job satisfaction statistics reveal.”

— Recruit Loop

3. Talk With Your Boss

Next steps should be taken if you have run through everything and ultimately decided to leave. Of course, contrary to what most expect, handing out a well-written resignation isn't the first step.

In reality, the first step in quitting the job you just started is to go to your supervisor and give personal notice.

Giving personal notice is a form of courtesy. It shows that you’re not quitting out of spite.

Doing this makes your boss realize that you recognize quitting drastically affects the whole organizational structure (because the organization will have to undergo the hiring process again).

Don't expect a smooth talk with your boss or superior. They will ask you many questions, so be prepared for some that might strike a nerve.

If the conversation drags on, keep calm and collected. Avoid answers like; you don't like the company, your job is too hard, or you don't like your colleagues. Be as neutral as possible.

4. Craft a Great Resignation Letter

After giving personal notice to your boss or superior, the next thing you can do is craft a resignation letter. Here’s an article on how to write a simple yet effective resignation letter.

Crafting a resignation isn't tricky but a necessary step in the process. Giving your supervisor a 2-3 week grace period to find a replacement is courteous.

Before approving the resignation request, your boss may ask you to train the person who will assume your position. If this happens, bear with it and consider it your final contribution to the organization.

Note, this is NOT something required of you. If you want to leave after your two-week notice, leave.

5. Finish Important Tasks

Understand that somebody new will inherit your workload after you've quit. Avoid slacking off so your replacement isn’t overwhelmed with piled-up work.

While working out the last few weeks of your job, continue performing like an average employee. Finish tasks near their deadlines, come to work on time, and remain attentive in meetings.

6. Start Looking for Other Jobs (if you haven’t already)

While waiting for your resignation to be approved, look for job openings during your work breaks or spare hours.

This time, be careful to send your resume to employers who offer jobs and work environments that motivate you.

You don’t want to be a “job hopper” by constantly leaving one company after another. This might tarnish your future job opportunities.

7. Your Resignation is Approved: Clean Your Space and Leave

Once your supervisor has approved your resignation (which is NOT something that isn’t required), it's time for you to pack your things.

Never abandon your personal belongings in the workplace (table alarm clocks, portraits, ball-pen and pencil rack, books, etc.).

Before heading out, thank your boss and say goodbye to others you have connected with.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)  

Should I quit my job if I'm unhappy?

Deciding whether to quit a job can be difficult, and weighing the pros and cons before making a choice is essential. Ultimately, the decision to leave a job is personal, and it's important to consider your own. Here are a few things to consider before making that decision:

  • Are there any specific aspects of your job that are causing your unhappiness? If so, it may be worth trying to address these issues before quitting. For example, you could try talking to your manager about your concerns or seeking additional support or training to improve your experience.

  • Do you have other job prospects lined up? If you're considering quitting your current job, it's a good idea to have a plan in place for your next steps. This might include actively looking for another job or taking some time off to consider your options.

  • Do you have the financial resources to support yourself if you quit your job? Leaving a job without another source of income can be risky, especially if you have financial responsibilities such as rent or a mortgage to pay.

  • How will quitting your job impact your long-term career goals? While leaving a job that is causing you unhappiness can be a positive step, it's important to consider how it will affect your career in the long term.

Is It Okay To Leave a Job That You Just Started?

While not ideal, leaving a job you just started is okay, especially if you do not feel passionate about your tasks.

At work, passion is what brings joy and a sense of accomplishment. Without it, you will never become a star employee. 

Weigh all of your thoughts before making the decision. If you're confident that the decision is right after careful consideration, there's nothing left to do but trust your gut.

Quitting a job that you just started is a leap of faith. Doing it is often better than remaining in a role that makes you unhappy.

What Should I Expect When Leaving a Job That I Just Started?

Your career opportunities will temporarily become uncertain after quitting a job you just started. This section quickly explains the most likely pitfalls you may encounter.

  • Co-Workers Might Think That You're Incompetent

    • After resigning or while on the verge of preparing your resignation, many of your co-workers might think that you're incompetent. They will assume that you're attempting to quit because you lack the necessary skills due to limited knowledge and capability.   
  • Your Boss or Supervisor Might Be Against It

    • Repeating the hiring process is a time-consuming task that affects the productivity of the whole organization. For this reason, your boss or supervisor might strongly advise you not to quit.
  • You Might Be Jobless for Longer Than You Think

    • After quitting a job that you just started, you might not be able to find a new position for several months, depending on luck and the current job market. You must consider this downside before leaving the employer that just hired you.

i quit meme

Wrapping Up | Quitting a Job You Just Started

Regardless of whether you stay or go, don't feel bad about your decision—just make sure it’s a clean exit. Many of us have experienced a job that wasn’t quite what we expected it to be. It’s not a great feeling, and the thought of leaving magnifies those feelings even more.

These things happen, though, and it’s not the end of the world. The best thing you can do is chalk it up as a learning experience and move forward with your life. To recap the steps:

  • Weight the benefits and pitfalls

  • Talk with your family or loved ones

  • Talk with your boss

  • Put together a resignation letter

  • Finish important tasks

  • Start looking for jobs (if you haven’t already)

  • Say your goodbyes

We hope this helps you consider all options when it comes to resigning from your position. Best of luck in your job search!

Title: How to Quit a Job You Just Started

Category: Employment Resources

Tags: How to quit a job you just started, is it okay to leave a new job, what to expect after quitting, how to quit a new job, quitting a job after a month, how to quit a job you just started for a better offer

Author: Reid is a contributor to theJub. He's an employment and marketing enthusiast who studied business before taking on various recruiting, management, and marketing roles. More from the author. | Author Profile

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