Resume Quiz: What’s Your Ideal Resume Length?

ideal resume length quiz

Are you writing a resume but not sure how long it’s supposed to be? This quiz will tell you the ideal length for your work history and experiences. Take the resume quiz today with theJub!


Resume Length Quiz

Alright, you found the ideal resume Length, but now what? Here are some resources to help.


Job Search

Quiz Text: Resume Length Quiz. One size does NOT fit all when it comes to your resume. From recent grads to seasoned vets, each person’s resume is unique. Take the quiz to see how long yours should be! What’s your highest education level? How many jobs have you held? How long have you been in the workforce? What type of industry do you work in? Have you freelanced or worked any short contract roles? Do you have any notable certifications or awards?

Title: Your Resume Length Quiz

Category: theDocuments

Tags: Resume quiz, quiz to find out resume length, quiz for how long my resume should be, resume writing quiz, ideal resume size, ideal resume length

Author: Reid is a contributor to theJub. He’s an employment and marketing enthusiast who studied business before taking on various recruiting, management, and marketing roles. More from the author. | Author Profile

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